Tuesday, April 1, 2014

C Program to Calculate Area of Circle using Pointer

Calculate Area of Circle using Pointer :


void areaperi ( int r, float *a, float *p )
*a = 3.14 * r * r ;
*p = 2 * 3.14 * r ;

void main( )
int radius ;
float area, perimeter ;

printf ( "nEnter radius of a circle " ) ;
scanf ( "%d", &radius ) ;

areaperi ( radius, &area, &perimeter ) ;

printf ( "Area = %f", area ) ;
printf ( "nPerimeter = %f", perimeter ) ;


Enter radius of a circle 5
Area = 78.500000
Perimeter = 31.400000

C Program to Calculate Area of Square

C Program for Beginners : Area of Square

Shape : Square
   Formula : side * side
Definition :
  1. A plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles 
  2. A four-sided regular polygon
  3. You can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides
Program :
void main()
int side,area;
clrscr();  // Clear Screen

printf("nEnter the Length of Side : ");

area = side * side ;

printf("nArea of Square : %d",area);
Output :
Enter the Length of Side : 5
Area of Square : 25

C Program to Calculate Area of Rectangle

C Program for Beginners : Area of Rectangle

Shape : Rectangle
formula : area = l * b
  1. A plane figure with 4 sides and 4 right angles and having Equal Opposite Sides
  2. Adjucent sides makes an angle of 90 degree
  3. You can compute the area of a Rectangle if you know its length and breadth
Program :

void main()
int length,breadth,side;
clrscr();  // Clear Screen

printf("nEnter the Length of Rectangle : ");

printf("nEnter the Breadth of Rectangle : ");

area = length * breadth;

printf("nArea of Rectangle : %d",area);
Output :
Enter the Length of Rectangle  : 5
Enter the Breadth of Rectangle : 4
Area of Rectangle : 20

C Program to Calculate Area of Circle

C Program for Beginners : Area of Circle

Shape : Circle
   Formula : Π * r * r
 Definition :
  1. Ellipse in which the two axes are of equal length
  2. Plane curve generated by one point moving at a constant distance from a fixed point
  3. You can compute the area of a Circle if you know its radius.
Program :
void main()
float radius,area;
clrscr();  // Clear Screen

printf("nEnter the radius of Circle : ");

area = 3.14 * radius * radius;

printf("nArea of Circle : %f",area);
Output :
Enter the radius of Circle : 2.0
Area of Circle : 6.14

C Program to Calculate Area of Right angle Triangle

C Program for Beginners : Area of Right Angled Triangle

Right angle Triangle
 Definition :
  1. Triangle having one angle of measure 90 degree is called Right angle Triangle.
  2. Sides of Triangle are : base , height , hypotenuse.
  3. You can compute the area of a Tr. if you know its any two sides.

Program :
void main()
int base,height;
float area;
clrscr();  // Clear Screen

printf("nEnter the base of Right Angle Triangle : ");

printf("nEnter the height of Right Angle Triangle : ");

area = 0.5 * radius * radius;

printf("nArea of Right Angle Triangle : %f",area);
Output :
Enter the base of Right Angle Triangle   : 4
Enter the height of Right Angle Triangle : 8
Area of Right Angle Triangle : 16.0

C Program to Calculate Area of Equilatral Triangle

C Program for Beginners : Area of Square


int main()
int side;
float area,r_4;

r_4 = sqrt(3) / 4 ;

printf("nEnter the Length of Side : ");

area = r_4 * side * side ;

printf("nArea of Equilateral Triangle : %f",area);
Output :
Enter the Length of Side : 5
Area of Equilateral Triangle : 10.82

Properties of Equilateral Triangle :

  1. Equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal .
  2. All angles are of measure 60 degree
  3. A three-sided regular polygon

Formula to Calculate Area of Equilateral Triangle :

Explanation of Program :

First of all we have to find the value of Root 3 / 2. So we have used following statement to compute the value.
r_4 = sqrt(3) / 4 ;
Now after computing the value of the Root 3 by 2 we have multiplied it by Square of the side.
area = r_4 * side * side ;

C Program to Calculate Area of Scalene Triangle

C Program to Find Area of Scalene Triangle :


int main()
int s1,s2,angle;
float area;

printf("nEnter Side1 : ");

printf("nEnter Side2 : ");

printf("nEnter included angle : ");

area = (s1 * s2 * sin((M_PI/180)*angle))/2;

printf("nArea of Scalene Triangle : %f",area);

Output :

Enter Side1 : 3
Enter Side2 : 4
Enter included angle : 30
Area of Scalene Triangle : 3.000000

C Program for Beginners : Area of Scalene Triangle

C Program to find Area of Scalane Triangle

Properties of Scalene Triangle :

  1. Scalene Triangle does not have sides having equal length.
  2. No angles of Scalene Triangle are equal.
  3. To calculate area we need at least two sides and the angle included by them.

Formula to Find Area of Scalene Triangle :

Explanation and Program Logic :

Part 1 : M_PI

  • It is Constant defined in math.h Header File
  • It contain value = 3.14 in short instead of writing 3.14 write directly M_PI.

Part 2 : ( M_PI / 180 ) * angle

  • We are accepting angle in degree.
  • C function sin takes argument in radian , so to convert angle into radian we are purposefully writing above statement.

Part 3 : sin function

  • It computes sine of an angle

C Program to Calculate Area and Circumference of circle

C Program to find area and circumference of circle


int main()
int rad;
float PI=3.14,area,ci;

printf("nEnter radius of circle: ");

area = PI * rad * rad;
printf("nArea of circle : %f ",area);

ci = 2 * PI * rad;
printf("nCircumference : %f ",ci);


Output :

Enter radius of a circle : 1
Area of circle : 3.14
Circumference  : 6.28

Explanation of Program :

In this program we have to calculate the area and circumference of the circle. We have following 2 formulas for finding circumference and area of circle.
Area of Circle = PI * R * R
Circumference of Circle = 2 * PI * R
In the above program we have declared the floating point variable PI whose value is defaulted to 3.14.We are accepting the radius from user.
printf("nEnter radius of circle: ");